2022-08-28 @Gao Sun



How do you build the end user sign-in experience in your apps? Going back to 20 years ago, I believe the answer would be “do it from scratch”. Things were simple:

Didn’t hear anything above? Then it’s sad that you missed the “good time” of software development. Nowadays, developers need to face a series of challenges when building sign-in / up:

Twenty years ago v.s. Now (a small part of our Figma design files)

Twenty years ago v.s. Now (a small part of our Figma design files)

User interface


Identity service


🤦 Hold on, hold on. All of these are only about user sign-in / up? Without them, I cannot even start my “real business”? Do I need PMs and designers for this since the UI logic looks complex? Easy, the answer is: yes and no. Let me explain this:

Say you are building an all-in-one workspace app (e.g., Notion), and hey, are any of the above related to your business?

Life is short

I love coding, and I could precisely feel that bad mood of being stuck in the early stage of a project. If you are an indie developer, you’ll find the sign-in and identity stuff is also repeating: almost EVERY app needs it.

Things I’ve tried