<aside> ℹ️ This is the main page of the Silverhand public blog. Our first open-source product Logto is available on GitHub, which helps you build the sign-in, auth, and user identity within minutes.




The design considerations for a seamless sign-in experience (Second Chapter)

The design considerations for a seamless sign-in experience (First Chapter)

Why we stopped using Lerna.js for monorepos

The Essential Checklist to Customize Your Sign-in

Building a beautiful cross-platform sign-in: Is it really hard?

Logto x Hasura: How to use open-source auth + GraphQL solution to boost your project

TypeScript all-in-one: Monorepo with its pains and gains


Console #125 -- Interview with Gao of Logto - an open source user identity solution


Tech evangelist

Community support

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